28 May, 2013

The book awaits...

The book was co- written by two authors, both of whom wanted to script it according to their own choices. The book of course had no say in the script. It was but just a recipient. As the pages got added, many words got added by the authors. When the book was finally published, it was a very confusing book. However, the words imprinted were those for an ideal world. Nothing about the realities of the world was there. The cover of the book reflected the interior very clearly. Very simplistic, nothing fancy. There were few pages left blank however. And then the book hit the world. Due to the unattractive cover, there were few takers, and most of those who read, just mocked the book for its idealistic contents. As time passed, the book got picked by people and the blank pages kept getting filled by experiences from the readers’ lives. Every reader had some pain to share. And then something strange happened, some of the blank pages started filling themselves up with the book’s own thoughts. As time passed, readers kept picking up the book, only when they were alone and without anything else to do, went through a few pages and threw the book away the moment they found something more interesting to do or when they were done adding their experiences and felt lighter, never bothering to go through the entire book to know its experiences, pains and angst. The book bled and tears rushed out every time this happened. And over time, pages which held the true feelings of the book inscribed on them, got stuck to each other. And with time, the cover became more and more rugged by scratches from readers. But inside, the stuck pages got so stuck to each other that the book itself forgot what is in there. Blank pages still are getting filled up by the readers’ experiences. And every reader sees the stuck pages, but no one really bothers to open the pages. Not even the purchaser. And the book waits. Awaiting the reader who will take time to unstuck the pages carefully and patiently enough to not tear the pages. Or a strong rain that will wash away the blood and the tears and in the process open up the pages. The book awaits.. time is passing by.. and the pages have started to crack at the edges... and most interestingly, the book has started running out of pages. Readers’ experiences are not getting inscribed anymore, just becoming volatile ink marks..

05 July, 2012

Indian School of Corruption

Introducing the "Indian School of Corruption". Principal Shri A. Raja, ex-telecom minister of India, VP Shri Suresh Kalmadi, ex-Chief, OC, CWG 2010. Our regular faculty includes prominent names of the corruption industry, like Shri Lalit Modi, ex chief, IPL, Shri Ramalinga Raju, ex-chief, Satyam, Shrimati Nira Radia and Shri Ratan Tata, Shri Hasan Ali, the largest tax defaulter in the country, etc. We keep updating out list with names released by the CAG and the Supreme Court. Along with this we also have guest lecturers, both from within the country and abroad on topics like "How to buy votes for cash" and "How to get clean chit from the Indian Authorities and evade extradition" by speakers like Captain Satish Sharma, Mr. Quatrochhi and Mr. Anderson. Again this list is only indicative and we will keep updating based on new exposes by CAG, Wikileaks and Supreme Court. Very shortly we also plan to introduce courses on topics of anger management like "How to be live life king size after killing hundreds in public view and attacking the parliament". Talks are on with prominent achievers in this field. We are awaiting their release against a plane hijack.So prospective candidates keep checking this space for updates on this topic. Remember, only we provide you the shortest cut to making not one, not ten, not hundred but "THOUSAND" crores at one go. So come join us and make India Shining.

22 June, 2010

We, the people...

26/11. A date we will never forget to remember. I don’t need to tell anyone why. It’s the day on which India’s sovereignty was challenged by 10 maniacs who came in from a neighbouring country. And for the next 60 hours we all kept asking the same question – Anahoot Atithi!!!!! Tum KAB Jaoge?
However, if I may dare refresh the memories of the reader (who I assume is better read than I am), it also holds a very significant place for India. For those of you who would like to know the reason, please take time to read the following para(s) from a very famous book.
“WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the
2[unity and integrity of the Nation];
You got it right. This is THE book I refer to here, and that is the Constitution of India. The very basis of Indian Governance.
It is very disturbing that many people do not realize that the magnitude of 26/11 is many times larger than The Taj or the Oberoi hotels and also than one particular entity currently cooling his heels in Mumbai.
Interestingly, the Indian Constitution happens to be the largest written Constitution in the world. It is of little surprise that most of the Indians do not even know that there are 400+ articles and twelve schedules in the book. The US Constitution on the other hand has about 7 articles and UK has no written Constitution at all.
Our ignorance of the Constitution denies us many privileges, while it helps the corrupt and inefficient practices to continue. However, knowing the Constitution means also being responsible to it and honouring it.
How many people e.g. are aware of all the rights that they have? Also are they aware that the fundamental rights are justiciable? Further, the Indian Constitution provides for a set of principles that ought to be taken into consideration at the time of policy formulation by the Govt. known as the Directive Principles of State Policy. Taking advantage of lack of awareness of people, the politicians, their babus, their clerks and even the peon sitting right outside the minister’s room take the general people for a ride.
Having said that, I would also like to mention those people who are in the habit of flouting rules, damage public property, spread rumours, sit back and relax till injustice has happened to them directly and light a cigarette in the middle of roads. The Constitution of India provides for a set of Fundamental Duties which is a way of the framers of Constitution to say – ‘With great power comes great responsibility.’ It should be our responsibility to respect the Constitution and strive to be better citizens. Additionally there are many interesting other facts in there too.
Generally if people were aware of the Constitution and the underlying principles, I am sure there would be a change. And that is what is needed – a sea change. Else the politicians would keep taking advantage of the ignorance and lack of awareness among the citizens and the helpless citizens will keep suffering.